Coronavirus: Neighbourhood meetings will not be mandatory until April 2021

The Government has approved the modification of the Decree Law that regulates the extraordinary measures in health and administrative matters in order to suspend the obligation to call meetings of neighbors until April 30, 2021. The modification of the already known as "decree of the new normality" contemplates that it will only be necessary to hold meetings if the Presidency or a 20% of the owners with the right...

Community pools in phase 2: Measures for reopening

Since Monday, June 1, regions such as Garraf and Penedès are in phase 2 of the de-escalation due to the coronavirus crisis. This places us before a new scenario of prevention and restriction measures, approved by the Government in articles 44 and 45 of order SND/414/20202 of the Official State Gazette (BOE), which especially affect the administration of communities of...

Reopening of real estate offices

Within the framework of the de-escalation of the current state of alarm, we inform you that this Monday, May 11, 2020, the real estate office on Rambla Principal in Vilanova y la Geltrú and the office in Vilafranca del Penedés, will reopen to the public only to attend real estate services for the purchase, sale and rental of properties by appointment by calling 938 148 718 (real estate office in Vilafranca del Penedés).

New changes in the tax calendar of Vilanova i la Geltrú

The Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council has announced that it will once again modify the fiscal calendar for municipal taxes. The changes affect various taxes, such as the IBI, the vehicle tax, the garbage tax on homes, the rate of waste and the occupation of public roads. Below, we show you a summary table provided by the council to Serra Grup Immobiliari: Before...

Sitges postpones payment of municipal taxes

Sitges Town Hall is delaying the payment schedule for municipal taxes and halting the collection of payments for services not provided. In this way, it is intended to help families, self-employed workers and companies in the municipality against the economic impact that COVID-19 may have on them. The council estimates that this fact means a postponement of approximately 15 million euros. Regarding the measures that...

Cubelles postpones the payment of the IBI until May 20

Cubelles Town Council has postponed the payment of the Property Tax until May 20, even though the voluntary contribution was scheduled to start on the 4th of the same month. However, the council reports that it is considering moving the entire tax calendar. This initiative is added to that of other Town Councils such as Vilanova i la Geltrú or Vilafranca del Penedès, which...

Vilafranca postpones and freezes some taxes and municipal services

The Vilafranca del Penedès City Council has approved different measures to help families and companies that suffer the economic consequences derived from COVID-19. Thus, municipal taxes will be deferred and fees for services not provided will not be charged. Some of the most relevant measures that the council will apply are the following: All the fees that are currently charged for the...

Vilanova City Council postpones payment of IBI due to COVID-19

The Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council has announced that it will postpone the collection of the Property Tax (IBI) due to the situation arising from COVID-19. Therefore, on April 2nd there will be no collection and the first will be on June 2nd. The council informs that the new calendar of deadlines is as follows: Direct debits Deadline % Debt Date 1 25% 2 of...

8 perfect plans to get home during lockdown

It is not possible to pose in doubt that the biggest problem of being home so many months is l'avorriment. If you don't want to pass the time when it's light, don't know what's going on, follow our recommendations! Watch series and movies You can't subscribe to Netflix, Amazon or HBO. Beyond all these platforms, there are viewing alternatives, totally free! Our recommendations...

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