[:en]The Sant Antoni Abat Foundation The jury awarded the second Lalo Awards last Friday, which recognise the best research projects from Vilanova i la Geltrú secondary schools. The jury selected the works on the origin of life, the spiritualist movement and feminist cinema as winners.
The event was chaired by the mayor of Vilanova i la Geltrú and president of the Sant Antoni Abat Foundation, Olga Arnau, who highlighted the “projection of the city's youth” demonstrated in the quality of the work. The manager of the Foundation, Dolors Camacho, in addition to thanking the jury for their dedication and the support of the collaborating companies, expressed her “proud” of the Foundation's announcement of these awards. On the other hand, the president of the jury, Joan Gómez, highlighted the work of the teachers to “stimulate and guide the learning processes that will set the trend for the new generations” and encouraged young people to have “enthusiasm, perseverance and dedication” in everything they do.
The first prize winners received 1,000 euros, while the runners-up received a prize of 500 euros. They also received a statue by the Cubelles artist Rosa Tous.
A character created by the founder of Serra
Lalo became very well known during the 40s, just after the Civil War. In the post-war period, many people were falling ill and the Sant Antoni Abat Hospital in Vilanova was unable to meet the needs of the patients. This is where he played a very important role.
From Radio Villanueva, he parodied and commented on everything that was happening in the municipality and made calls for donations for the Hospital. Many boys and girls came to speak on the radio and made donations (food, clothes...).The initiative was a complete success!
This character was played by Josep Antoni Serra Alsina, the driving force behind Serra.[:ca]The Sant Antoni Abat Foundation The pass will be released according to the Lalo Awards, which recognize the greatest Treballs de Recerca de Batxillerat de Vilanova i la Geltrú. Treballs on the origin of life, the spiritualist movement and feminist cinema will be the cornerstones of the jurat of the awards with guanyadors, while according to lloc they will keep researches on diagnosis through the color of blood, the flabiol i the cobla, i the social and labor integration of disabled people.
The act will be presided by the mayor of Vilanova i la Geltrú and president of the Sant Antoni Abat Foundation, Olga Arnau, who will highlight the “project of the city's youth” demonstrated in the qualitat dels treballs. To continue, the manager of the Foundation, Dolors Camacho, in addition to thanking the jury for its work and the support of the collaborating companies, is going to be “proud” of the call for these guardians on behalf of the Foundation. Lastly, the president of the jury, Joan Gómez, will highlight the work of the teachers for “stimulating and guiding the learning processes that will mark the success of the new generations” and will encourage the young people to have “enthusiasm, perseverance and dedication” in all that facin.
The guards with the first prize are worth 1,000 euros, while the second classificats have a prize of 500 euros. All of them also have a statuette of the Cubelles artist Rosa Tous.
A person created by the founder of Serra
El Lalo is va fer molt conegut during the years 40, just after the Civil War. In the midst of the post-war period, there were many people who were ill and the Hospital de Sant Antoni Abat in Vilanova did not donate to the supply to meet the needs of the patients. Here it is going to have a very important role.
From Radio Villanueva, he parodied and commented on everything that happened to the municipality and made fair cries to his contributions to the Hospital. A lot of children and children come to talk on the radio and do things (menjar, steal...). The initiative will be a total success!
This character is going to be performed by Josep Antoni Serra Alsina, the driving force behind Serra.[:]